Hunting Rabbits (Title Card)
Hunting Rabbits (Title Card)

Paper collage, wood glue, primer, acrylic paint, graphite, colored pencil on plywood, 6’x3’

Bunny Bones
Bunny Bones

Acrylic, gouache, colored pencil on masonite panel, 75”x36”

Crawlspace/Chutes and Ladders
Crawlspace/Chutes and Ladders

Acrylic, gouache, colored pencil, graphite, collaged photographs and drawings on masonite panel, 8’x4’

Junk Drawer/Rabbit Food
Junk Drawer/Rabbit Food

Acrylic, gouache, colored pencil on masonite panel, 8’x4’

Best Friends/Dual Diagnosis (painting)
Best Friends/Dual Diagnosis (painting)

Acrylic, gouache, paper collage, colored pencil, plexiglass, wood glue on masonite panel, 8’x4’

Best Friends/Dual Diagnosis (painting and sculpture)
Best Friends/Dual Diagnosis (painting and sculpture)

Acrylic, gouache, paper collage, colored pencil, plexiglass, wood glue on masonite panel, 8’x4’

Best Friends/Dual Diagnosis (sculpture)
Best Friends/Dual Diagnosis (sculpture)

Spray paint, sewn dolls, colored pencil, jewelry, found objects

The Beach Of The Pond I Swim In
The Beach Of The Pond I Swim In

Acrylic, gouache, graphite on masonite panel, 8’x4’

Bait & Switch
Bait & Switch

Acrylic, gouache, colored pencil, graphite, collaged drawing on masonite panel, 8’x4’

Go Ask Alice!
Go Ask Alice!

Acrylic, gouache, colored pencil on masonite panel, 8’x4’

Birthday Party (closeup)
Birthday Party (closeup)

Acrylic, gouache, colored pencil, paper collage on masonite panel, 8’x4’

Afterparty (closeup)
Afterparty (closeup)

Acrylic, gouache, colored pencil, graphite on masonite panel, 8’x4’

The Grass is Greener/On The Other Side (diptych)
The Grass is Greener/On The Other Side (diptych)

Acrylic, gouache on masonite panel, 4’x4’

The Grass Is Greener
The Grass Is Greener

Acrylic, gouache on masonite panel, 4’x4’

On The Other Side
On The Other Side

Acrylic, gouache on masonite panel, 4’x4’


Spray foam insulation, acrylic paint, 7’x6’

Busy Bunny
Busy Bunny

Table, plexiglass, paint tubes, paint brushes, coffee tins, beer cans, acrylic paint, paper collage, tinfoil, beads, aluminum tape, wood glue, paper towels

Hunting Rabbits (Title Card)
Bunny Bones
Crawlspace/Chutes and Ladders
Junk Drawer/Rabbit Food
Best Friends/Dual Diagnosis (painting)
Best Friends/Dual Diagnosis (painting and sculpture)
Best Friends/Dual Diagnosis (sculpture)
The Beach Of The Pond I Swim In
Bait & Switch
Go Ask Alice!
Birthday Party (closeup)
Afterparty (closeup)
The Grass is Greener/On The Other Side (diptych)
The Grass Is Greener
On The Other Side
Busy Bunny
Hunting Rabbits (Title Card)

Paper collage, wood glue, primer, acrylic paint, graphite, colored pencil on plywood, 6’x3’

Bunny Bones

Acrylic, gouache, colored pencil on masonite panel, 75”x36”

Crawlspace/Chutes and Ladders

Acrylic, gouache, colored pencil, graphite, collaged photographs and drawings on masonite panel, 8’x4’

Junk Drawer/Rabbit Food

Acrylic, gouache, colored pencil on masonite panel, 8’x4’

Best Friends/Dual Diagnosis (painting)

Acrylic, gouache, paper collage, colored pencil, plexiglass, wood glue on masonite panel, 8’x4’

Best Friends/Dual Diagnosis (painting and sculpture)

Acrylic, gouache, paper collage, colored pencil, plexiglass, wood glue on masonite panel, 8’x4’

Best Friends/Dual Diagnosis (sculpture)

Spray paint, sewn dolls, colored pencil, jewelry, found objects

The Beach Of The Pond I Swim In

Acrylic, gouache, graphite on masonite panel, 8’x4’

Bait & Switch

Acrylic, gouache, colored pencil, graphite, collaged drawing on masonite panel, 8’x4’

Go Ask Alice!

Acrylic, gouache, colored pencil on masonite panel, 8’x4’

Birthday Party (closeup)

Acrylic, gouache, colored pencil, paper collage on masonite panel, 8’x4’

Afterparty (closeup)

Acrylic, gouache, colored pencil, graphite on masonite panel, 8’x4’

The Grass is Greener/On The Other Side (diptych)

Acrylic, gouache on masonite panel, 4’x4’

The Grass Is Greener

Acrylic, gouache on masonite panel, 4’x4’

On The Other Side

Acrylic, gouache on masonite panel, 4’x4’


Spray foam insulation, acrylic paint, 7’x6’

Busy Bunny

Table, plexiglass, paint tubes, paint brushes, coffee tins, beer cans, acrylic paint, paper collage, tinfoil, beads, aluminum tape, wood glue, paper towels

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